Soren and me - March 25

Dare we Cut a Covenant with God?

This Sunday I’m looking forward to having Karyn Hemming and Andrew Logan back with us on the panel. Do join us at midday, please, via or Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Faithia or Streamyard. I look forward to sharing this Eucharist with you. 😊

Let me work your corner

If you’d like to see my work continue, please click here to make a one-off donation. If you can afford a monthly contribution, sign up at and choose either:

Middleweight – $10/month (community mentoring)

  • Enrol in the Fighting Fit training program
  • Access member-only training videos
  • Engage in the members-only forum

Super-Middleweight $50/month (remote mentoring)

  • All of the above +
  • One-on-one mentoring via email, phone, or Skype

Heavyweight – $100/month (in-person mentoring)

Superheavyweight – $200/month (intensive in-person mentoring)

Every dollar helps keep the wheels turning – the websites, the newsletters, the broadcasts, the boxing club and the bush camp. Sign up at

What’s On?

  • Saturday, March 15th – Boxing @Legends Gym in Kensington from 3.00 pm
  • Sunday, March 16th– Our Eucharist from midday via (or Facebook , YouTubeTwitterLinkedInInstagram,Faithia or Streamyard).
  • Sunday, March 16th– ‘Stop the Syrian Genocide’ rally @ Sydney Town Hall
  • Tuesday, March 18th – Boxing at The Mundine Gym in Redfern from 7 pm
  • Wednesday, March 19 – Vigil for Syria @ Saint Michael’s Cathedral, 8.30 pm
  • Thursday, March 20th – Boxing at The Mundine Gym in Redfern from 7 pm
  • Saturday, March 15th – Boxing @Legends Gym in Kensington from 3.00 pm
  • Friday to Sunday, March 28 to 30 – @Binacrombi. Please join me.
  • Thursday, April 3rd  “Who owns the Holy Land?” A panel discussion hosted by the Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network (PIEN) at Saint Paul’s Anglican Church in Burwood from 6.30 pm (download and share the flyer here).

Candlelight vigil for Syria - March 25

I’m encouraged to see people responding to the catastrophe in Syria with prayer and protest. If you’re not up to date on the terrible atrocities that are being committed, I’ve posted a detailed report on the massacres that was put together by a Swedish human rights team. Download it here. I can also recommend several resources:

I can vouch for the key people behind each of these media channels, but be warned that many of the images … well … once you’ve seen them, you can’t unsee them.

I am in distress over the murderous activities of Al Jolani and his henchmen across the Syrian coastline. I take no pride whatsoever in having predicted that this was going to happen. I pray that it will stop, but my fear is that once the Alawites are gone, the new government will move on to the Christians and other minority groups. My best hope is that they won’t have the resources or the expertise to finish the job.

Al Qaeda is an effective terrorist organisation. It’s never shown any capacity to run a country. Moreover, with Israel having destroyed Syria’s military infrastructure and with sanctions still crippling the economy, it seems highly unlikely to me that the new government will be able to properly control the diverse religious and cultural groups that make up Syria. I expect to see the Balkanisation of Syria within the next 12 months, with a corrupt and innocuous central government. That will suit both Israel and Turkey, of course, and is probably what they’ve been aiming at from the outset.

Forgive my speculations. In truth, I am far less concerned about the big picture than I am about the ordinary men, women and children who are struggling to survive in cities and villages across Syria. Many thousands have already been murdered, and many thousands more could still die.

Of course, if Syria was allied to Western powers, NATO troops and peace-keeping forces would have already flooded into the country. Instead, compliant government media (and even some human-rights groups) repeat the lie that the violence has been caused by ‘Assad loyalists’ resisting the new government. God, have mercy!

Syria rally - Town Hall - March 25

I had been asked to speak at Sunday’s rally for Syria at the Sydney Town Hall but, as it clashes with our Sunday Eucharist, it may be finished by the time I turn up. Even so, I will get there, even if only to dialogue with the organisers after the event.

I’m privileged to have also been invited to speak at the Candlelight Vigil at the Melkite Cathedral on Wednesday (see above). I hope some of you can join me there

Forgive me for being so Syria-focused this week but I feel as if a dear member of my family is dying. Pray with me please. Pray with me that our God, who ‘defends the weak and upholds the rights of the oppressed’ (Psalm 82:3) will do for the Syrian people what no earthly power is willing to do. Lord, grant them freedom and peace.

And before letting you go, two more quick reminders for those who live in Sydney:

  1. The “Who owns the Holy Land?” forum of April 3rd is something that Father Mark is helping organise. Please download the flyer here and share it.
  2. Let me also encourage you to put aside the weekend of March 28 to 30 for a weekend trip with me to the bush. Binacrombi is at a volatile stage. I have no idea whether we’ll be able to hang on to it for the long term, so take the opportunity to join me there while you can.

May the Lord bless and strengthen you for the work to which you have been called.

Your brother in the Good Fight,


P.S. If anyone has time to help me with posting updates to, please let me know.
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Life-coaching with Father Dave

Farah and me at Metro - March 25

Fight Club = March 13, 25

About Father Dave Smith

Preacher, Pugilist, Activist, Father of four

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