Monday Missive

Monday Missive – October 8th, 2012

Hi Fighter, It’s Father Dave, and I’m afraid it’s going to be a short missive tonight as I’m rather tired. It’s been a rather busy couple of weeks for me: Our fighters have been fighting My family has been travelling We’ve had another fire at Binacrombi We’ve had the privilege of hosting Mother Agnes of […]

About Father Dave Smith

Preacher, Pugilist, Activist, Father of four

Monday Missive – October 8th, 2012 Read More »

Monday Missive – October 1st, 2012

Hi Fighter, It’s Father Dave, and I’m excited to be back with you again. As I hinted in my email from two days back, we have something very exciting coming up – a very special guest who will be joining us at Holy Trinity this coming Sunday. I’ll to tell you all about that in

About Father Dave Smith

Preacher, Pugilist, Activist, Father of four

Monday Missive – October 1st, 2012 Read More »

Monday Missive – September 24th, 2012

Hi Fighter, It’s Father Dave, back with you again. I’ve finished my Monday run, grabbed something to eat, and I’m keen to touch base with you before I call it a night. I hope you’ve had a good week. It’s been a big one for me, with three of my four girls returning from their

About Father Dave Smith

Preacher, Pugilist, Activist, Father of four

Monday Missive – September 24th, 2012 Read More »

Monday Missive – September 17th, 2012

Hi Fighter, It’s Father Dave with you again, back from my Monday evening run, tired but still on a bit of a natural high from the endorphins. Even so, I’m far from content as I write tonight, as I fear that our world has taken a turn for the worse since we last spoke. I’m

About Father Dave Smith

Preacher, Pugilist, Activist, Father of four

Monday Missive – September 17th, 2012 Read More »

Monday Missive – September 10th, 2012

Hi Fighter, It’s Father Dave, touching base with you again, relatively briefly this time. In truth, I had planned to have a Massive Missive for you today – centering around the latest pugilistic triumph of Dulwich Hill’s own Lovemore N’dou over the challenger from Cameroon – Rivan Cessaire. The fight was scheduled for eight rounds

About Father Dave Smith

Preacher, Pugilist, Activist, Father of four

Monday Missive – September 10th, 2012 Read More »

Monday Missive – August 27th, 2012

Hi Fighter, It’s Father Dave back with you and I’m feeling particularly buoyant tonight! I did a good time in my Monday half-marathon earlier tonight (1:56:20) – pushed along by my boxing buddy, Sol Egberime – and that has no doubt contributed, but it’s not the key reason. I’m feeling genuinely thankful to God this

About Father Dave Smith

Preacher, Pugilist, Activist, Father of four

Monday Missive – August 27th, 2012 Read More »

Monday Missive – August 20th, 2012

Hi Fighter, I hope your week has started well. I must confess that I’m in recovery mode at the moment, having dealt with a lot of stress over the last seven days. I won’t try to burden you with all my woes, but I will share one of my struggles with you, and I’m open

About Father Dave Smith

Preacher, Pugilist, Activist, Father of four

Monday Missive – August 20th, 2012 Read More »

Monday Missive – August 13, 2012

Hi Fighter, It’s Father Dave, back from my Monday night run and watching a replay of the Olympic Games closing ceremony as I pen my Monday Missive to you. I must say that it is wonderful to see the way in which playing games together can help break down racial and cultural barriers. Winning medals

About Father Dave Smith

Preacher, Pugilist, Activist, Father of four

Monday Missive – August 13, 2012 Read More »

Monday Missive – August 6th, 2012

Hi Fighter, It’s Father Dave here with you again, and I do hope that your week is unfolding well.I seem to have an enormous week ahead of me, with three significant events looming – each of which makes me feel a little nervous, and some of which I’m hoping you might get involved in. More

About Father Dave Smith

Preacher, Pugilist, Activist, Father of four

Monday Missive – August 6th, 2012 Read More »

Monday Missive – July 30th, 2012

Hi Fighter, It’s Father Dave, back from my Monday night run and keen to share my week with you. I ran alone again, which was a shame as the Cook’s river looked beautiful tonight, if a little eerie. Everything was bathed in a cold winter moonlight, and I hardly saw another soul out there! It

About Father Dave Smith

Preacher, Pugilist, Activist, Father of four

Monday Missive – July 30th, 2012 Read More »

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