Hi Fighter,
You’ll forgive me for producing a cut-down version of the newsletter this week. I’m taking a holiday. Joy has been encouraging me to take a week off so … no in-depth reflection on the readings this week and no video clip. Instead, you get this …
Yes, I’m launching a life-coaching clinic for 2025. I think I have something to offer in this area and will link in with clients via weekly video calls. I’m looking for a maximum of twelve (12) people at this stage, and I’ll be teaching my BLEST system:
- Breathing (breath-holding exercises)
- Listening (healing sounds)
- Eating (diet)
- Stress (exercise)
- Touch (connection)
Find out more about the program here. Contact me to get started. Hopefully, I’ll find my 12 people quickly. Then I’ll start a waiting list. If you’re keen, email me now.
Our Sunday Eucharist
We had a very special Eucharist last Sunday, and thank you to Robert and to Diane for joining me on the panel. I also had Joy and Craig Sutton with me at Binacrombi. It was a great team and, having purchased a new computer during the previous week, there were zero technical problems! 😊
I’m including our two most popular shorts from last Sunday below. The one about Syria has already had more than 10,000 views, mainly because my friend Mimi shared it on X (and Mimi has nearly half a million followers). You can, of course, see the complete library of shorts, on the Sunday Eucharist Instagram page.
This Sunday I am privileged to have brothers David Baldwin and Tom Toby back with me on the panel. We are also welcoming back dear Stephen Sizer this month to share with us some pre-recorded wisdom on Ephesians 1:3-14. Join us at noon this Sunday please on TheSundayEucharist.com or on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn Instagram, Faithia or Streamyard.
Let me work your corner
If you’d like to see my work continue, please click here to make a one-off donation, If you can afford a monthly contribution, sign up at Patreon.comand choose either:
Middleweight – $10/month (community mentoring)
- Enrol in the Fighting Fit training program
- Access member-only training videos
- Publish to the members-only blog
- Get free access to silver level membership at SurefireWealth.com
Super-Middleweight $50/month (remote mentoring)
- All of the above +
- One-on-one mentoring via email, phone, or Skype
Heavyweight – $100/month (in-person mentoring)
- All of the above +
- Training with Father Dave’s Old School Boxing Academy
Superheavyweight – $200/month (intensive in-person mentoring)
- All of the above +
- One weekend per month at Binacrombi Bush Camp.
Every dollar helps keep the wheels turning – the websites, the newsletters, the broadcasts, the boxing club and the bush camp. Even so, it’s not a one-way process. I want to support you in return, so please fill out the Physical and Spiritual Fitness Assessment form and get it back to me, and then sign up at Patreon.com.
What’s On?
- Sunday, January 5th – Our Eucharist from noon via thesundayeucharist.com (or through Facebook , YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Faithia or Streamyard).
- Tuesday, January 7th – Boxing at The Mundine Gym in Redfern, 7 to 9 pm
- Thursday, January 9th – Boxing at The Mundine Gym in Redfern, 7 to 9 pm
- Friday to Sunday, January 10th to 12th – @Binacrombi. Please join me.
Yes, we’re back to our regular training routine this week, and if your New Year resolutions include getting fighting fit in 2025, I’d love to have you as a part of our team. Join me at Mundine’s during the week or at Binacrombi for a weekend.
I’m still waiting for confirmation on the dates for my trip to Iran but it seems that it is going ahead. I’ve been dialoguing regularly with one of the producers of the show and am looking forward to it now.
Mahfel is a show focused on the Qur’an, but I’ve been asked to offer a Christian perspective on ‘altruism’. They seem to be interested in why a Christian has poured so much energy into trying to make a difference in majority-Muslim countries such as Syria. I’m sure any of us would jump at the opportunity to address that question.
So … pray for me please, as I pray for you. I know a great number of our dear brothers and sisters are doing it tough at the moment – both close to home and far away. These are testing times. Stay focused and we will persevere.
Your brother in the Good Fight,

About Father Dave Smith
Preacher, Pugilist, Activist, Father of four